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Current sources of initial QRS forces in left ventricular hypertrophy, WPW 
syndrome, and left bundle branch block - origin of septal vector 

Y. Nakaya/’^ M. Nomura,^ and H. Miyajima^ 

^Department of Nutrition and Metabolism, and ^Second Department of Medicine, 
the University of Tokushima, School of Medicine, Tokushima, Japan 770-8503 

1 Introduction 

Since the original investigations of Lewis and 
Rothsenchild (1915) [1], septal activation has been 
thought to occur first on the left septal surface and 
thereafter to spread from the left side to the right 
side of the intraventricular septum. Thus, the initial 
QRS vector in electrocardiogram is considered to be 
due to activation of intraventricular septum and 
called as septal vector. At this time (within 20 msec 
from the onset of the QRS wave), posterobasal area 
is not activated. However, normal septal vector 
disappears in cases of inferior infarction as well as 
anteroseptal infarction. Then arises the question 
whether the initial QRS vector is really composed of 
intraventricular septum alone. In left ventricular 
hypertrophy, the initial QRS vector becomes smaller 
or even absent. Although the mechanism of 
disappearance of septal vector in left ventricular 
hypertrophy is now considered to be due to septal 
fibrosis, the precise mechanism remains unclear [2]. 
Therefore, we studied the origin of initial QRS force 
by magnetocardiogarrm (MCG). The MCG three- 
dimensional (3-D) source localization using 
superconducting quantum interference device 
(SQUID) gradiometer has an excellent spatial and 
temporal resolution. To clarify the mechanism of 
disappearance of septal vector (QS pattern in lead 
Vi) in LVH, the MCG of normal subjects and the 
patients with left ventricular hypertrophy were 
recorded in an rf-shielded room using biomagnetic 
measuring system. We also studied the initial QRS 
force in patients with left bundle branch block 
(LBBB) and type B WPW syndrome, in which the 
septal vector is absent. The results of the study 
provide a new interpretation of ECG wave forms. 

2 Methods 
2.1 Subjects 

We studied 20 normal subjects (N group), 33 
patients with left ventricular overload (LVH group), 
10 patients with complete LBBB (LBBB group) and 
12 patients with type B WPW syndrome (WPW 
group), in which initial QRS vector is also 
frequently deviated. The LVH group was subdivided 

into two subgroups according to the presence or 
absence of an initial r waves in lead Vi, so-called 
septal vector, i.e. those with rS pattern (LVH-rS 
group) and those without r wave (LVH-QS group). 
In the LVH-QS group, the r wave in lead Vi and/or 
q wave in lead V6 was absent. The LVH-rS group 
shows the r wave in lead Vi and q wave in lead V6. 
The echocardiogram and magnetic resonace imaging 
(MRI) were recorded in all subjects to localize 
anatomically current sources. 

2.2 Construction of isofield map and source 

The MCG was recorded over the anterior chest wall 
with a second-derivative superconducting quantum 
interference device (SQUID) gradiometer (single 
channel rf SQUID; Model BMP, BTI, San Diego, or 
7-ch dc-SQUID, Liquid Gas Corp. Osaka) in an rf- 
shielded room at Tokushima University Hospital. 
The patients were placed in the supine position on a 
nonmagntic bet. All metal objects, including 
watches, metallic contents of trousers, such as keys 
and hairpins, were removed. The magnetic field 
perpendicular to the anterior chest wall was 
measured. The MCG recoding was taken by 
scanning each recording point (25 points or 63 
points) with a bandpass filter of 0.02 - 300Hz. The 
position of detector was confirmed by laser point 
indicator. The reference points used were the 
xyphoid process and the top of the sternum. The 
MCG measurements were based on a three- 
dimensional (3-D) coordinate system consisting of a 
median line between the xyphoid process and the 
top of the sternum. The origin was defined as the 
xyphoid process. The Y axis was defined as the line 
passing up from the origin and parallel to the sagital 
plane (inferior to superior); the X as the line passing 
out of the left side from the origin (right to left), and 
the Z axis as the line passing from the origin and 
perpendicular from the plane of the detection coil 
(anterior to posterior). 

Isofield map at every 2 msec was constructed by 
using the same methods as construction of 
isopotential map [3]. In order to localize the current 

3 Results 

Figure 1: Isofield map and vector arrow map at 
20msec in a normal subject. Initial QRS vector 
directed to the right and inferiorly. 

dipole, a single dipole model [4,5] was used and the 
3-D loeation of the equivalent eurrent dipole was 
eomputed every 2ms from the onset of the QRS 
eomplex by the least square method. The 3- 
dimentional dipole loeations were superimposed 
onto the MRI of the individual subjeets providing 
anatomieal loealization in the ventriele. 

2.3 Vector arrow map 

We also eonstrueted veetor arrow maps to study the 
multiple instantaneous veetor aeeording to the 
methods by Hosaka and Cohen [6]. A veetor arrow 
(A) was defined as follows: 

A = (3Bn/9y)x - (3Bn/9x)y 

where x and y are axes of the body, x in the 
direetion from right to left, and y from head to foot, 
and X and y are veetors of unit length along the x 
and y axes. Veetor arrow was obtained at eaeh point. 
Veetor arrows on the map are supposed to indieate 
the underlying eurrent pattern parallel to the frontal 

3.1 Initial QRS wave in normal subjects 

Fig. 1 shows isofield map and veetor arrow map in a 
normal subjeet. The dedueed dipole of normal 
subjeets was loeated on the ventrieular septum in 9 
of 10 subjeets who reeorded MRI. Mean values of 
dedueed dipole of the initial 20 msee veetor were 
48+18 mm left ward, 58+24 mm superior to the 
xyphoid proeess and 41+13 mm deep from the 
surfaee of the gradiometer. The dedueed dipole at 
early QRS moved from mid-septum to the apieal 
septum in most of the eases. 

(A) (B) 

Figure 2; Single moving dipole in a normal subject 
(A), a patient with essential hypertension (EH) and a 
patient with aortic valve disease (ASR). Note that 
20 msec dipole (2) directed to the left and displaced 
to the left in ASR. 

Table 1: Location of the single dipole at 20 msec in 
normal subjects and patients with left ventricular 



Distanee from eoil 



56+2 mm 



62+4 mm ** 



70+5 mm** 



54+9 mm 



53+5 mm 

* p<0.05, p<0.01 vs Normal 

WPW-B lBBB Normal 



Figure 3: Location of deduced dipole in each group 
on MRI. 

3.2 Initial QRS wave in patients 

Fig. 2 shows the movement of single dipoles during 
ventrieular depolarization in normal subjeet and 
patients with LVH. In patients with LVH (ARS) 
initial QRS dipole was displaeed to the left and its 
direetion was also displaeed to the left. At SOmsee 
further inerease in veetors direeting leftward was 
observed. Table 1 shows that the dedueed eurrent 
souree in LVH group was displaeed posteriorly and 
to the left. The deviation was signifieantly greater in 
the LVH-QS group than that of LVH-rS group. 
However, those of LBBB and WPW groups were 
not displaeed and loeated similarly with that of 
normal subjeets. Fig. 3 shows the MRI in whieh the 
dipole dedueed by isofield mapping in eaeh group 
was superimposed. 

3.3 Analysis by vector arrow map 

Fig. 4 shows the ECG, isofield map and veetor 
arrow map of a patient with left ventrieular overload 
with small r wave in lead Vi but not q waves in left 
preeordial leads (V 5 and ¥ 5 ). At 20 msee Veetor 
arrow map shows that veetor arrows loeating in the 
right shows normal veetor direeting rightward but 
those loeating in the left direeting to the left with 
inereased amplitude. The dipole dedueed by isofield 
map was direeted to the left probably as a result of 
the summation of veetor arrows of both direetions. 
Compared to this patient the veetor arrow map in a 
patient with LBBB (Fig.5) showed dipoles direeting 
to the left was not inereased in amplitude at the left 
part. In late phase of depolarization of LBBB, the 
inerease of veetor arrows in amplitude were not 

3 Discussion 

In the present study, we determined the loeation of 
the initial QRS foree in various pathologieal 
eonditions in whieh the septal veetor is absent. The 
present study shows that the initial QRS foree 
dedueed by the MCG was displaeed posteriorly in 
left ventrieular hypertrophy and was inereased in 
magnitude, whieh were different from that of LBBB 
or type B WPW sundrome. These results suggest 
that absenee of septal veetor might be due to the 
inereased eleetromotive forees of the hypertrophied 
left ventriele rather than eonduetion disturbanee. 
The results of the present studies explain the 
meehanism of abnormal initial QRS forees in ECG. 

The initial QRS foree has been eonsidered to 
originate from the aetivation of the left-sided septum 
whieh moves to the rightward. It is eonsidered that 
posterobasal area of the left ventriele is aetivated 
later than septum and that this part does not 
eontribute to generation of normal septal veetor. 
However, we have reported that in inferior 
myoeardial infaretion initial QRS veetor was 


I U lU 

J J 

Firure 4: Isofield map and vector arrow map of a 
patient with left ventricular overload with small r 
wave in lead In the vector arrow map at 20 msec, 
dipoles located on the left are increased in 
amplitude and directed to the left. 

■ • ■ ^ ^ 

• AT ^ 

■ / / ^ - 

^ ^ 

* \ 

Normal LBBB 

Figure 5: Vector arrow map in a normal and a 
patient with LBBB. Note that there is no increase in 
vector arrow in the left part of the map in 
comparison with the map in figure 4. 

displaced, suggesting that posterobasal area 
(infarct area) also contributes initial QRS force. 
These findings strongly support the idea that the 
initial QRS vector is not originated from ventricular 
septum alone, and that many areas of ventricle 
contribute the formation of initial QRS vector. 

In left ventricular hypertrophy, the initial QRS 
vector is frequently deviated, which was explained 
by septal fibrosis due to hypertrophy. The vector 
arrow map studies also suggested that the rightward 
vector directed to the left suggesting normal 
rightward electromotive force, although decreased in 
amplitude. In addition to the normal septal vector, 
there were increased leftward directing 
electromotive force in the left ventricle. Thus, the 
resultant QRS force as a summation of many 
portions of the both ventricles is located leftward 
and directed to the left, because the balance of the 
electromotive force between the left and right 
ventricles was altered. (Fig. 6) 

Figure 6: The mechanism of QS pattern in lead Vi in 
LVH (hypothesis from this study). The initial QRS 
force is a summation vector of various portion of the 
ventricles. In LVH, hypertrophied left ventricle 
produces larger electromotive force directed to the 
left and posteriorly, resulting in displacement of the 
initial vector to the left and posteriorly. 

The initial QRS vector has been considered to be 
due to the intraventricular activation. However, the 
present study shows that other parts of the ventricle 
also contribute to generate initial QRS vectors. Thus 

the initial QRS vector is a hypothetical resultant or 
mean vector representing the average direction and 
magnitude of all electric forces produced at this 
time. In agreement with our studies, three 
endocardial areas are synchronously depolarized 
from 0-5 msec after the onset of ventricular 
activation in the studies of human heart [7]. These 
studies also support the results of the present studies 
that the initial QRS vector is summation of 
electromotive forces of many areas of the both 


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